Sunday, July 31, 2005

Rich People

I went to a friend's graduation party.
I sacked the crap out of his dad during a backyard football.
I hope he's not hurt...

I guess glider is a rich people's hobby.
Or most other aviation stuffs are for rich people.
Hang gliding is a bit different though.
I kinda wish that I had done hang gliding instead, cuz it has younger crowd and is cheaper.
But I decided that I should learn to use the stick and rudder type stuff about now before I get too old.
Kind of regret it now...

Also, I found more pieces for the old Comet hang glider in the attic.
It probably does contain the wingtip battons that were missing...

I've been spending way too much money on food even though I only eat once a day...

A guy from my glider club said he'll give my resume to a friend of his.
What a nice dude.
But at the same time, I kind of hope that I can find something I like on my own.
I'd feel pretty bad if I had to turn down a job offer that a friend got me.
But I'd rather do something that I like.

Friday, July 29, 2005

About the Trailing Edge of Spaceship One

Why is the trailing edge of Spaceship One flat??
One friend of mine told me that it might be because it creates drag during descent, but it'll create drag during climb also...
Anyone know why???

Nothing happened today.
No operations, no interviews, nothing.
But I had a lot of stuffs to take care of, so it was good that nothing happened today.

I should've sent my resume's yesterday, cuz today is Friday, and everyone won't see my resume till Monday.

Worked on cover letter writing.

Wiped the bugs off the tow plane.

Wrote summaries of the flights from past two days.

Researched the potential companies.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Life of a Sheep

Things have been happening pretty fast since I started living here.
Some people think that I'm an unemployed piece of shit, but I don't really give a fuck.

Went to Oshkosh to hand out my resume.
I had some positive responses.
Ironic thing happened when I was talking to some guys from a propeller company.
When I told them where I live, they said that they have one engineer who used to live out of a hangar of his glider club in New Mexico.
They took my resume and said to put in good words for me.
You never know how things might turn out.
But I'll see what happens...

Saw Spaceship One and White Knight.

Sat through about 4hours (including one hour that I sat and waited) of Burt Rutan presentation.

Solo'd again for the first time this year.
Came in way too fucking low.
I've never came so close to the clock tower.
I thought that I'd have to land in the alfalfa field at the end of the runway.
But made it clean and touched down at the wind sock...

One dude landed out in a cropped wheat field today.
The owner of the field was a really really nice person, we gave her a ride in the glider.
I'm glad that no one was hurt and seems like everyone was pretty happy, I think.

Good judgements come from experiences.
Experiences come from bad judgements.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

The March of the Penguins

Saw 'The March of the Penguins.'
I noticed that I'm easily affected by the death of an infant.
It's worse when I see the grievance of the mother.
Well, I guess it'll be pretty fucked up if anybody isn't emotionally affected by that...

The car window got fixed.
No charge.
I'll bring like a case of soda the next time I'm here.

Still need to clean up the apartment.

I made the fatal mistake of writing down my campus address on my application for citizenship.
I have a finger print scheduled in Indianapolis... that's about 5 hrs away from the hangar.
The agency at Indianapolis is processing applications from November 2004 while the Chicago agency is processing applications from February 2005.
I sent in my change of address.
I hope to the souls of the dead mongoose that it won't delay my application too much...

So I guess I'll be back here on the 9th and go to Indianapolis on the 10th for the finger prints and turn in my keys on the 11th...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Useless Stuffs

I'm cleaning out my apartment.
I didn't know that I had so many useless stuffs in my room.
I want to throw away a lot of stuffs, but I can't cuz I might need them later on...

Played soccer...
I'm out of shape.
Probably cuz I haven't been eating much recently.
I felt tired.
I think I lost about 5lbs last couple of days though...

There seems to be a big cold front moving in this way.
I like it when it's windy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Everything will be alright

I drove up to the glider field on Saturday morning.
Signed up for the yearly membership.
They gave me a discount cuz I was in school and missed the first half of the season.
I was gonna talk to someone if I could do that, but they already had me covered.
I felt a bit guilty cuz all these people have been helping me out.

But I got over that and asked for a bigger favor...
I asked the president of the club to let me live out of the hangar.
He was pondering for a while, but he said sure.

So I started living out there, but found out that shower was broken.
Currently, a gardenhose is my shower.
And it gets pretty hot once the hangar is closed.
On Sunday, I slept out on the porch, but it started raining at 4:30 a.m...
But who am I to complain.
I don't pay rent.

Had two instruction flights.
I think I'll be able to go solo again pretty soon.
Gotta really prep for the written test now.
Things are moving along a lot faster than I thought it would.
I figured it'll take me like 3 or 4 months to get my private license.

I tried to get a dial-up internet set up, but it didn't work out.
They told me that I'm way too fucking far in the middle of no where and there isn't a server close by that works.

Anyways, I'm back in my apartment on campus and packing my stuff.
Got lots of stuffs to do, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

Oh yeah...
The INS (immigration and naturalization service) wants me to drive all the fucking way up to Indianapolis to get my finger prints taken...
I wanna tell them that I moved, but I heard that it'll delay the process...
I guess I'll just have to drive there...

Friday, July 15, 2005

Dew Point Is High

It is humid like you-know-what here (refer to the picture).
It's nice outside, but my room feels like a sauna because there's no wind outside.

Rob helped me start my car.
We tried to charge it, but it didn't work.
Rob drove me to a shop to buy a new battery.
Much thanks to Rob.

I'm driving up to the glider field tonight (4 a.m. 16 July).
I hope they'll let me live off the hangar.
That would really help.

Uploaded the fake resume (see yesterday's post) on
It'll be cool if someone actually responds to it.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Sample Resume

Lupin IV
Cavehole by the BigFoot Room #23, Champaign, IL 61820
(000) 000-0000 | Email:

To become an honorable Japanese businessman.
I commit Seppuku if I bring disgrace to community.

I am citizen of Japan.

  • Successfully lead a herd of wild boars and built a pontoon raft using bamboo trees and a roll of duct-tape.
  • Incorporated a small scale nuclear reactor and designed a machine capable of cooking a 3-minute ramen noodle in 2 minutes which resulted in total savings of ¥ 50.
  • My most memorable experience was when I snorted a bag full of crack cocaine and set the entire neighborhood on fire while I danced with a herd of spider monkeys.
  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    • Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering
  • Neanderthal College of Art
    • Associates of Art in Sculpture
  • Senior Design Project
    • Worked with five other students and massacred an enermy tribe.
  • Assembled their remains and built a necklace with their toes.
    • Applied Aerodynamics
  • Designed airfoils to reduce drag on my pet kangaloo using XFOIL.
    • Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Implemented a time-marching method to successfully predict the heat distribution of the comet that sunk my island.
  • I speaked the English so very nice.
  • Fluent in Jive.
  • Fluent in the lost language of an Aztec tribe which I'm the only surviving member who speak the language.

Resume Review

Had my resume reviewed by someone at the employment office.
She was very helpful.

1. Include your GPA on your resume.
It'll save me and them some time.
Also they'll most likely assume that you had bad grade if you don't have it on there.

2. Include numbers, like how many people were in your design group, how long was the project, how much money you saved the company etc. etc.

3. Include language skills

4. Be somewhat specific, but not too specific on your objective.
example... Seeking a full-time engineering position to work on aerodynamic analysis.

5. You better write a good cover letter or you're just an useless son-of-a-crack-whore.

Played soccer.
I really have to work on my dribbling skills.
Befriended a dude from Vietnam.
Promised to drink beer next weekend.

I left the headlights on my van on for two days.
Gotta buy a new battery cuz I'll be driving back and forth from here and Chicago for the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Iced Coffee

Went to the employment center on campus.
Scheduled a resume review for tomorrow at 10 am.
I think the people who work for the university are sometimes fucking judgemental.
They act like they are better people cuz they work for the university.

From my experience, UIUC is not a good place to learn.
They teach you to learn on your own.
That's fine, but in the process, some of the students don't pick up the basics because they're simply not taught.
This is a problem because most of the materials taught for bachelors degree are basics.
The professors are smart, I guess, but some of them are not good communicators which I think is more important for a teacher than their knowledge.

Enough bitching...

Iced Coffee cup/glass

1. Brew coffee (about twice the regular strength)
2. Add table spoon of condensed milk
3. stir
4. prepare a separate glass with bunch of ice cubes
5. dump the coffee into the glass
4. stir
5. add soy milk

Chicken and Beer

I don't claim to be a beer expert, but I have preferences.
I like Bohemia a lot.
It tastes a bit like Becks, but with some strange herb type flavor to it.
It's good, but a bit pricy.

Cooked chicken legs.
Marinaded with garlic, pepper, onions and balsamic vinegar.
It was good.

Played soccer.
I have to play the ball faster.
And I have to dribble more.

No job offers or anything that resembles anything like work.
I fixed even more stuffs on my resume.
I guess it's Bachelor of Science.
Not Bachelors of Science.

I'm going to the engineering career center on campus tomorrow and see what they got for me.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Hippie Life

I emailed and asked the president of the glider club if I can live in the hangar till I get a job.
And 10 minutes later, somebody from called me up about a place in Dekalb.

I'm gonna go up there this weekend and decide on a place.
There's a place in Rockford that looks really good and cheap.
It's probable that I'll either live there or at the glider field.
If I decide to live in the hangar, I can officially hold the title of the honorary engineering hippie.

I just finished reading the ASA book.
Now I need to memorize all this shit...

No Progress

Damn it...
I'm nervous...
I gotta find a place soon.
Even though I have enough money to do whatever I feel like, I feel like just taking the first job offer that comes in my way.

Played soccer today.
Not too many people showed up.
I didn't play too well.
I have to speed up my decision making.
Undecisive as usual...

I think some mofo's, especially some recruiting companies, will try to screw you over and match you w/ some jobs that sucks ass and pays less.
They don't give a fuck about how much you get paid, they just want the companies to get cheap quality workers.

Posted more resume's online.
Applied to couple more.

There seems to be a rebound in the employment rate these days.
I'm guessing about 3 out of 4 people who graduated w/ me already has a job.
I feel like I'm one of the few stupid ones.
But I shouldn't be thinking of it like that.
I should just think about finding what's good for me.

The war seems to be the fashionable thing to make money on now a days.
With this war pissing people off all over the world, I think this war business will prosper for years to come.
If this planet lasts that long, that is.

It pisses me off to think about these rich people making money off of wars.

Friday, July 08, 2005

As Time Goes By

I'm about done reading the ASA private pilot test prep.
I still need to go over the questions and memorize a lot of stuffs though.

I've been looking for a place to live near the glider field but haven't found one. is a useful place to find a roommate.

And all the sudden I got kinda nervous about finding a place to live.
I have like a month to live in this place.

I need to find a place to live soon.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Lost and Found

Great simple food for people who don't have a sex partner.

Spaghetti aglio,olio e peperoncino

1. two cloves of garlic
2. one dried red pepper
3. two tablespoon of olive oil
4. parsley
5. salt
6. spaghetti

1. boil spaghetti w/ salt
2. slice the garlic and take out the middle part
3. cut the red pepper into small pieces
4. put #2, #3, and olive oil into a pan and medium heat until the garlic is slightly brown
5. add parsley and two tablespoon of the water used to boil sphagetti to #4
6. mix spaghetti and #5

It's soooo fucking good.

Lost my car key.
Hour later, found my car key.
Note to self.
Make a duplicate.

Someone at some job recruiting company is telling me to drive up to Naperville for an interview for a $10/hr job.
Well, it's for a wind turbine assembly/repair, but I think I'll wait a bit more before I tattoo a discount coupon on my forehead.

Un Pato

"Un Pato" by Natalia Lafourcade is the most played song on my laptop according to iTunes.
I found the chords and the lyrics for it here.
Also found out that bossa nova was initially a rich people's music.
It kind of got me thinking that maybe I don't know anything about how hard some people are working for their lives and stuff.
Like I'm just floating around doing what I want and being lazy while some people are working hard.
But I don't really care, because I'm not rich, but I like bossa nova.
And I think other people can do whatever they want to do.
It's none of my business.

I read a quote from this famous soccer coach from Sarajevo today.
He said that he believes that there isn't any "right way" to play soccer.
Because it would halt all the progress when a person decides that something is definite.
It depends on what the people want, and it's constantly changing.

Maybe it's just that I'm not good at finding out what I want.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Independence Day Celebratory Rituals

1. Thanked the souls of the space aliens that the girl who elbowed me in the chest yesterday during a soccer game didn't follow up with a backfist.

2. Looked up the word "bollock" on
Following was the result:


n 1: one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away" [syn: testis, testicle, orchis, ball, ballock, nut, egg] 2: a pulley-block at the head of a topmast [syn: bullock block]

3. Made a Cajun style dish with tomatoes, rice, and kidney beans.
Also realized that Japanese rice is not fit for a Cajun dish for it is way too fat and soaks up all the water.
The thing tasted aweful.
I still have enough leftovers to feed a herd of wild boars.

4. My shoulders got burned from playing soccer yesterday.

I take that as a compliment

A friend calls me "the caveman."
Must be because I'm so full of muscles.
Honestly, I think it comes from me being a simple minded person.

Played soccer yesterday.
I was gonna stop playing for the summer, but it only lasted for like a week.
I'd been think about soccer pretty much everyday since I stopped playing, I thought the only way to not think about soccer was actually playing soccer.
I guess it sounds similar to how some people with a phobia would think.
Like a person who is afraid of sharp objects stabbing him/herself.
I guess I have it pretty easy in that sense.
Also, there's this very cool girl who plays there...

It would've been better if I played horribly, cuz that would put me down and I'd start feeling sorry for myself and would stop thinking about soccer.
But I played good.
I was relaxed the whole time and that helped me analyze the situation better.
I should've played the ball more with my left though.
I almost always used my right.
And I have to practice keeping the ball on the ground when I pass with my inside.

I check my e-mail and found a new mail with a subject line "Interview Inquiry..."
I jumped and did the Tiger Woods-type celebration infront of my laptop.
But I was a bit suspicious because who would send out stuff like this on a Sunday of the 4th of July weekend.
And I didn't recognize the company name.
Regardless, I opened the mail and found out that it's some scam business invitation.
M.O.T.H.E.R. F.U.C.K.E.R.S.

Sunday, July 03, 2005


Music for the hopeless romantics

Don't Leave - Faithless
Sometimes Always - Jesus and Mary Chain
The Joy of My Life - John Fogerty
Blinded By Love - The Rolling Stones
Hooch - Everything
Laid - James
Who Would've Thought - Rancid
No Woman, No Cry - FUGEES
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
Corazon De Oro - Rancid
Two Wrongs - Wyclef

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Reality and Unemployment

I think this unemployment thing has forced me to lose contact with the real world.

And I'm a bit nervous about my situation.
What if I don't find a job that I want before all the money runs out.
What am I doing just doing nothing all day.

I feel like I should be doing something useful.
I kind of feel guilty about not working.

Maybe I'm just trying to make an excuse for just settling for a job that I don't want.
But "looking for something I want to do" maybe an excuse for not having a job.