Monday, July 04, 2005

Independence Day Celebratory Rituals

1. Thanked the souls of the space aliens that the girl who elbowed me in the chest yesterday during a soccer game didn't follow up with a backfist.

2. Looked up the word "bollock" on
Following was the result:


n 1: one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away" [syn: testis, testicle, orchis, ball, ballock, nut, egg] 2: a pulley-block at the head of a topmast [syn: bullock block]

3. Made a Cajun style dish with tomatoes, rice, and kidney beans.
Also realized that Japanese rice is not fit for a Cajun dish for it is way too fat and soaks up all the water.
The thing tasted aweful.
I still have enough leftovers to feed a herd of wild boars.

4. My shoulders got burned from playing soccer yesterday.


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