Monday, July 03, 2006

All My Luck Has Ran Out

We lost 5-0. Which is not a big news by any means what-so-ever. It could've been easily 10-0. We played a lot better than last time though. It helped to have full 11 players on the field. I played as a forward this time. It worked out OK, but I had to run back to get the ball or defend. We are not good at transitioning from offense to defense. I made some good through ball. I was too busy running back for defense most of the time. But overall, we played a lot better than last time.

Anyways, after the game, I went to this sporting goods store where they were holding a game to kick a ball into this hole on a huge plastic sheet. You get three shots from about 15meters, and you get prizes accordingly to the number of shots you make. The person who was in charge told me that for the past three days they've been hosting the game, there had only been one person who made two out of three. And no one has made all three shots. I signed up thinking that I probably won't make any shots, but I made two shots out of three. I was pretty happy. I won a t-shirt and a $20 gift certificate. I never expected to get paid for playing soccer. But I think I used up all my good luck that I had for the next 20 years on this one occasion. But I'm happy, and although I think luck had a lot to do with it, I think that some of it must've been because I've been making efforts to getting better at playing soccer.


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