Monday, December 31, 2007


- Vancouver in January
- Moved closer to the city in February
- Land out in April
- New soccer team
- S
- Wanderers
- Delta project (Atlanta) September
- Delta project (Moble) October
- Quit work in November
- Applied to the wrong major
- Indoor league in Cicero

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


We won this past Saturday 4-3 against the number 1 team. We were missing a couple of guys, and we had three people who never played with us before. They mostly played defense and they were awesome. I got to play forward. I got tired too soon. I had two assists. I missed out on one big chance cuz I hesitated. I wasn't ready for the ball. Anyways, it kinda felt weird winning. I don't feel like we did that great, but we won.

There's a volunteer job in Nicaragua setting up and monitoring small wind turbines. I don't even know if this thing is for real or some sort of a scam. I've been thinking of doing something similar with an original small scale wind turbines. So it'll be a good way to learn about how it might work. I don't know how people can make a living out of this though. But if they pick me to go, and if I haven't found a job by then, I'll go.

I've been reading "Wind Energy Explained," but it's going really slow. I need to concentrate more.

I wanna study for my commercial written test also. I really regret not spending more time this year to get better at it. I could've taken a lot of people up for a ride.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I've been reading this textbook called "Wind Energy Explained" for a while now. I think it's OK. I mean OK by it's not murderously complicated. I think I've been pretty productive since I decided that I want to build an wind turbine. I think it's a better goal to have than 'finding a job.'

We lost 1-7 yesterday. But it was a good game, and I liked it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I've been reading some wind turbine stuffs recently. I think I'm not too far from building one.

I need

* Car alternator
* Rear wheel drive brake drum
* Rotor blades
* Anemometer reader/recorder

I think I can get the first two pretty easily. I want to design my own blades using what I know. I don't know how to manufacture one though. I want to use foam core and composite lay-up. I'll have to decide on the rotor size first though.

Right now, I'm just reading the books and researching other people's design. I want to build something before I get a job. Not much happening in the front recently. Well, I don't really expect anything until mid-January anyways.

I feel like I'm wasting life. I feel like I need to do something meaningful. I don't want to end my life without doing something special.

I pierced my left eye brow again. I had one a year ago, but I lost the ring when I was in Abu-Dhabi and never got a new one.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


We lost 0-8 yesterday. We just lost organization after we went 0-3. Everyone, including me, just started rushing forward, and we got countered like hell.

I keep reminding myself to think logically when I'm on the field, but I just turn into a huge dumbass as soon as the game starts. I should fix this.

I think I'll keep looking for a job till end of January and see what my options are. I have enough money for now, and I should wait till the beginning of the year when people start hiring.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Lack of...

I was reading about famous crimes in Japan on Wikipedia yesterday to learn about what possible social/cultural problems may had effects on the development of my personality. I read on one of the articles something that I didn't realize till then.

I think a lot of the decisions I make stems from the things I lack or something I didn't have while growing up. I think I make a lot of unusual decisions to fill the gap in my past. I think I consciously avoid having a realistic grasp of the past so I can go without explaining what happened in the past. I think I'm looking for something that will let me forget about what I lack. Maybe I'm looking for something that'll consume me so that I feel insignificant.

On a lighter note, I'm glad to hear that Eto'o is fit to play again for Barcelona. I've always thought that he is a more important player in the team than Ronaldinho because of his contributions in the defense and helping the team regain possession. I wish him a good season and good health.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Fucked Up

I got really wasted Friday night at my friend's place.
I puked a lot. I didn't have much hang-over the next day probably because I puked out most of the alcohol.

Went to the indoor game on Saturday, but the lights went out at the place because of the snow storm about three minutes after we started playing.

I'm 29 years old now.

I think about moving to Europe a lot. It's kinda hard to do now because it's the end of the year and not so many people are looking to hire people. I have to decide where to live soon. I'd rather wait till I find a job to relocate, but my lease expires at the end of the year. Now that I'm 29 years old, I feel like this is the last chance that I'll be able to do anything to change my life.