Saturday, February 25, 2006


I have a day off today.
Woke up at 7am.
Went to El Pastigel to buy some bread and now I'm at the library.


It's windy outside.

I'm gonna try to finish the Wind Characteristics book by next weekend.
I hope to get another chance at getting a job in the wind energy industry.
I want to be ready.

I want to learn a program that's related to wind energy assessment or wind turbine output prediction programs like PROPID or BLADE.
I'm wondering how long this wind energy thing will go on.
Are there going to be any demand for wind analysis in 2020?

I'm thinking that I might be better off getting some experience in the aerospace (including military) field before trying to find a job in the wind energy field.
It's a lot smaller field to get into.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

This Year So Far

It's been somewhat OK in terms of life in general type stuff.
I guess anything is OK after living in a hangar for half a year...

I've been working for 3 months now.
What a waste of time.

But I like living in Elgin.
That's probably the best thing that happened to me this year.
I think this is the first time that I got to live in a place that I like.

I'm a bit more optimistic about finding work since I've been getting more calls since I started saying that I'm a citizen.
But it doesn't matter for the wind energy jobs that I want.
I probably won't work for a military related companies anyways.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Got a call from an recruiter about my resume.
He asked me about my citizenship status.
He said he'll find something and call me back in a few days.

I'd really hate to get a job in the military.
As I've always being saying, we are at a war because some rich mother fuckers wants to get richer by getting a hold of some unused oil fields.
I don't feel like living with the guilt for the rest of my life just so some mother fuckers can keep their money.
I think I'll continue to study about wind turbines on my own till someone calls me up for an interview.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Too Late

I've been reading "Wind Characteristics: An Analysis" by Rohatgi and Nelson.
Very good book with simple and understandable explanations of wind resource assessment techniques and general weather phenomenon.
Only $30 from the American Wind Energy Association.
It was out of print at

I also got the "Wind Energy Explained" by Manwell, McGowan, and Rogers.
But I haven't even touched that one.
The "Wind Characteristics" is a better starter, I think.

I can't help but wonder if reading these books is going to help me find a job.
None of the wind energy companies that I've sent resumes to have replied to me.
But it would've given me a better chance if I had read these books before I had the interview in Texas.
It's something I'm interested in.
I'll read about it anyways, but it'll be nice to get paid for it too.

Hopefully I'll read through these before I get another call for an interview.
Whenever that's going to be...

Got a call about a contract drafter job at Fermi Lab.
I'd say that it's a great position in terms of the money, location, and experience.
It would be cool to work at a place where new ideas about this universe is being developed.
I'm not a citizen so I can't work there though.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Last Chance

It has come to my attention that my degree will be pretty much useless in about 3 months in terms of getting a job.
There aren't too many places who will hire an engineering major with B.S. without any experience who's been out of work for a year since graduation.


I think it's pretty much over now.

I have to find something different.

I'm gonna start studying for the A&P mechanics test.
It's kinda hard to do without any hands on experience though...

So I wasted 5 years of my life on something that's not going to be useful.
I really hated going to school too.
It's kinda hard to digest the fact that I've made a huge mistake.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Seeking a Position in the Wind Energy Industry


I am a recent graduate with a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering seeking a position in the wind energy industry. I firmly believe that I can contribute to your company in many ways using my unique knowledge and experience listed below.

During my academic career, I have worked with many data analysis and collection software for various applications including wind tunnel testing, stress analysis of composite materials, and electrical control systems. I also have experience with computational methods including computational fluid dynamics, finite element methods, and computer aided design software.

As an aerospace engineering major, I have studied a variety of engineering disciplines including aerodynamics, structures, propulsion, performance, and stability and control which are also crucial to designing an effective and reliable wind farm.

I am also a glider pilot with some practical knowledge of the weather and atmospheric conditions.

Attached is my resume.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Saturday, February 11, 2006


The washing machine noise got really bad yesterday while I was driving on the highway.
Took it to the shop and explained what it sounded like and that I think it's the axle.
Turned out that the tire was loose...
That was it...

I was at the shop anyways, so I had the crankcase sealed and spark plugs and wires replaced.
Oh well...

My university account got terminated.
All my resume's that I sent out had my university email on it...

I should send emails to companies again...
Unless they decide to call me instead...
Unlikely though...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Thank you for your time and consideration.

A co-worker and his wife, who also works at the same place, brought me Tacos.
I brought some Pad Thai.
They liked the hot sauce, but left no comment on the Pad Thai.

Got a letter for an appointment for an interview for my citizenship.
March 8th, 2006.
2:30pm Urbana...
Yes, Urbana, Illinois.
I don't wanna drive that far cuz I think the rear axle of my van is about to come apart.
It's making the overloaded washing machine noise.
Makes me nervous, but I hope that she won't break down till I find a job.

Wrote another letter to a wind farm development company in Seattle.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


There surely are bunch of homeless people in the Gail Borden Library in Elgin.
The staff here probably think that I'm a homeless too.
I come here pretty much everyday.

One thing I want to do eventually is to not give a fuck at all about what people think about me.

But it's a lot easier to develop a self image through finding out other people's point of view.
Then again, after all, the only thing I can tell for sure is what I think about myself.

Shit... I didn't know Transplants broke up...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I've made bigger mistakes than that.
So fucking what.
I don't worry about those little shit.
It don't fucking matter to me cuz I'm still the mother fucking shit.

Got a call about a drafter position in Batavia.
Sent them my resume.

Who knows, but I won't be able to quit work at least till the other guy comes back from Mexico.

Or should I wait till I get my citizenship?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Foot In Mouth

Somebody sent out an email about the infamous airplane on a conveyor belt question.
I said the airplane won't take off cuz it will be stationary relative to the air.
The problem is that when airplane starts its engine, there will be an inbalance in force because there will be no friction from the conveyor once the tires starts rolling.

The shit's worded weird.

Fuck you all.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I'm a bit encouraged about my job prospects since I got the call for my citizenship interview.
Changed my profile on CareerBuilder to say that I'm a citizen.
Got a call for a drafter position in Aurora.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

New Nationality

Got a call from some guy from the immigration office in Nebraska.
I have an interview scheduled on March 8th in Chicago for my citizenship.
I applied for it on June of 2005, so it'll be about 9 months from application to interview.
I heard that it'll take about a month after the interview till I get my citizenship.

I hope this will get me a job somewhere.
But I guess it won't matter for wind turbine jobs.
I'd hate to make money off of wars.

I hope that I'll find a job in the wind energy industry.
Or recreational aviation...

I guess they're both very limited fields.

Fuck it.
I'll do what I wanna do anyways.

I'm almost done with the Paul Gipe book.
I should start reviewing glider stuffs too.
We might start the season on end of March.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Meat Market

7.69 percent of the people who visit my old blog are directed to my blog via the key word "dog fucker."
I've never wrote about any dog fuckers, but I'm sorry to dissappoint their expectation.

Japan vs. U.S. international soccer game is gonna be on ESPN2 on Febuary 10th.
The game won't feature any of the players in Europe though.

Not a single call or email about any job related issues.

Cooked some Okonomiyaki.
It was very fucking good.
It may seem like a pile of puke for all you uncultured mother bitches, but that don't stop me from shoving my face into it.
I've been good at learning new recipes recently.

I'm gonna try Yakisoba next.