Friday, September 30, 2005

How To Find a Job

Now that I have my license, I have to find a job.

......... ?

How da fuck am I supposed to find a job?
I've been trying to find one for the last 5 months but don't have one yet.

I guess I just don't have much qualifications for the type of jobs that I'm looking for.

Time to lower my expectations significantly.

I've already applied to several manual labor jobs but had no responses.

I guess the trick to finding a job, when you can't find one, is to keep lowering your expectations of yourself until you find a job.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


I am now a private glider pilot.

Now I have to find a job...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

You Are the Ugliest Creature in the Universe

I have my checkride scheduled for tomorrow.
I guess I'll do what I can.

Ate a pork chop at Papa G's.
Pretty good.

I don't know why, but I feel like shit.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Constant Improvements

It's 2:19am.I need to get some sleep for we'll be flying tomorrow.Frustrated and can't sleep.

But I did fall asleep while watching the Kings Course video on weather...
I guess I slept for about 3 hrs.

I wanna wake up early tomorrow around 6 and take pictures of the airfield from the top of the hill by the old amusement park.

Monday, September 26, 2005


I can't concentrate on studying.
I can't sit still.
I must be nervous or something.

I need a job, but I don't want to work in a field that I'm not interested in.
I'm gonna be 27 soon.
I don't have any time to get side tracked now.

There's a one-year contract job in West Chicago working on FEA stuff.
Working on parts for trucks.

I'm somewhat very fucking frustrated over my job situation.


No operations yesterday and today because of rain.
Been studying for the practical.
I stayed up till midnight yesterday, but I'd rather keep the regular schedule and go to sleep at 10 and wake up at 6.

The forecast for Thursday is 25mph wind from NW.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Right Downwind on 09

Two pattern tows and landed east.
First one was with Jim and second one was a solo.
Kind of scared myself on the second one.
But no problem.

I don't like coming over the wires, but it wasn't that bad.

I feel slightly more confident about this checkride thing.
Got to read the books more.

I don't know if getting a license is a good thing or not.
The only reason anyone would want to get a license is to carry a passenger.
But I don't like asking people if they'd want to go up in a glider.
So I guess it's not much of an use for me.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Fuck the World

Unemployment is good.
As long as you have enough money to make it through.

I hate worrying about money.
I hate thinking about my bank account everytime I get something to eat or buy stuffs.

Oh well, at least I don't have any debt.

Recently, I've been pretty good on flying.
But recently, I sometimes have some nightmares about bad images.
Like slowing down too much when turning from base to final.
Entering a flat spin.
Overshooting the field.

But I think it's somewhat cool.
Because they make me realize that things are usually under control as long as I'm being careful about certain things.
Maybe it's part of the reason why I do this type of things.

One thing that I should work on is relaxing while doing these things.
It's a lot easier when I'm relaxed.
It's more likely that I'll make it out of these situations when I'm being calm and constantly paying attention to what's going on around me.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Closing Time

I won't be unemployed for too long.
Not that I've found a job that I like, but rather I have to find a job that I don't like.
Not much choice when you're about to run out of money.

I think I'll just concenrate on getting my license for the next 7 days.

Even if I don't find a job, I will get something out of this period of my life if I could get my license.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Check Ride

There was a land-out on a soybean field yesterday.

Scheduled my checkride on the 29th.
Gots to study a lot.

Sent an email to the guy who called me about a job working on the JSF engine but no responses yet.

I need to find a drafting job or something.

It's gonna get colder soon.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

To Minal V. Patel:

I've tried to forget about you since the day I met you.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Go Make Some Money

Saturday meeting and a busy day.
One flight in the 1-26.
Needed to get more practices in the 2-33, but it was booked with other students for most of the day.

It was a beautiful day.

I'm gonna sign up for a check ride on the 28th of this month.

Need to read up on the FAR/AIM.
Also I need to read up on the JSF stuffs in case they really wanna interview me.

Friday, September 16, 2005


A company from the job fair called me and told me that I'm under consideration for an interview in Cincinnati.
He said it's gonna be a job designing parts for the JSF engine.
I never wanted to do military stuffs, but at least I won't be working on a bomber.

I feel guilty about making money off of wars.
Should I just take the CAD job and get paid 10$/hr?
Or should I join this company and steal as much as I can before going off on my own?

I need money, and I'm about to feed myself on a plate provided by a war.
This is part of being obedient to a structured way of life.
Another brick in the wall.

I want to work on wind turbines.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Good News Will Come from Far Away

Fortune cookie said that "good news will come from far away."
Whatever that means.

Drove down to Champaign for their engineering job fair.

A guy from Belcan said he'll call me in a few days.
Rolls-Royce guy said he might have positions available.

That was about it.

Everyone else told me to go to their website and sign up.

Came home around 1:30 am.

Went up in the 2-33 with Jim.
He showed me some new stuffs.
Mostly some extreme maneuvers.
Some of them scared me a little bit.

He says I'm ready to take the practical.
I'll sign up for a checkride on the 28th.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Game Over

Been here too long.

I think it's about time that I disappear.

I wonder what is the cause of all this.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

low pressure

I went up in the 1-26 despite the strong cross wind.
It was really hazy today.
Stayed up for 1 hr and 20min.
I went up to 4,900ft, but I don't like going so high, cuz it gives me headaches.

There were good lifts, but I had to keep close to the field.
I had to get out of some of the lifts before the wind drift me too far away from the field.
It's true, 1-26 doesn't have good penetration.
I'm going to check out the local airfields before my next flight in the 1-26 so I can go a bit farther.

Next Tuesday might be the last day of the soaring season.
The high temperature for Wednesday is predicted to be in the 70's.

And I might miss it, cuz I'll be in Champaign for their job fair.

I should schedule the check ride soon.

Friday, September 09, 2005


Studied all night.
Took the private glider written exam.

The guy who was in charge of the testing place was a huge asshead.
He was saying shit about little shit about regulations and FAA and all that shit that nobody ever really cares about.
I let him talk to Jim over the phone, and I really regret it.
The guy was bitching about every little stupid details to Jim.
Felt really bad.

But I passed the shit, and I don't really care no more.
Didn't miss a fucking question.

I guess there are people like that who just wanna go by the rules and wanna feel like they know what's going on.
Papers and numbers don't mean shit.

Took a ride in the 2-33.
I caught a good thermal on tow, so I released at 2,000 ft.
Pay the extra five bucks and go to 3,000.
Came back down in wopping 9 minutes...
Landed shitty too...
I shouldn't have gone up in the first place since I didn't sleep much last night...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Business is not so good

What the fuck...
Unemployed since May and still no work.
What the fuck...

Need a job.
Need money.
Need a place.
Need a girl.
Need a purpose in life.

Don't have any of those at the moment, but I guess I'm getting by... sort of...

I've seen increased number of rats in the hangar recently.
The shitty weather is approaching rapidly.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Dead Man Walking

I don't watch movies w/ Salma Hayek in it because she reminds me of someone I don't want to think about.

Wing Overs

Windy day.
About 5~10kts from the south.
But a surprisingly good thermals.

Went up w/ an instructor twice in the 2-33.
Did good on the first one.
Stayed up for 44 minutes.
Did some wing overs.

The second one wasn't a good one (a 1000ft pattern tow.)
Came in a bit too high on final.
Ended up coming in too fast.
Almost hit the tow plane.

I'm gonna schedule my written test for Friday.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Lowest of the Low

I have couple G's in the bank.
It'll probably be gone in a month or two.
So I need a job soon.

Fuck the world.
I don't wanna be a homeless, cuz I think it's gonna be really hard to rebound from there.
I wanna move out and go to some place far.

But I gotta get my license before I leave here.