Monday, July 30, 2007

Dead End

It's such an ironic word.

I took a day off from work and drove to Oshkosh on Friday. Handed out couple of resumes. It was kinda refreshing to talk to people who has the same interest as me. Although my interest in aviation is quickly fading away. I saw an accident. It's a sad reminder for all of us about what we are dealing with. I feel that a loss of a pilot is a loss of all pilots. Some part of us are lost when a pilot is lost. Although it must be insignificant compared to the loss his/her loved one feels.

I slept the whole day Saturday.

Went played soccer on Sunday morning. I didn't do too well.
Met up with Raul at the downtown meet-up at 5pm. I did OK when I started out, but I kept the ball too much towards the end. I always feel bad when I keep the ball too much.

Went to the apartment of a guy I met there last week after the game. He invited four of us, and he cooked us some really good Korean food. I don't know why I like spicy food even though I have zero tolerance to it.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Oshkosh '07

I'm going to Oshkosh tomorrow. I hope my van will survive the trip.

I've been taking a walk to the parks in my neighborhood almost everyday for the past two weeks or so. The weather has been phenomenal recently. I fell asleep on a breacher in this park behind the movie theater last night. I noticed that rabbits were running around very close to me while I was lying there.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Any who... I'm unhappy about a lot of things recently. I don't want to work anymore.
I think the only thing that's saving me is soccer. I meet a lot of people through it, and I feel like I'm still part of the world. I think it's a weakness that I feel comfort in being part of something.

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Time that You Wait Is a Time that You Waste

The project I've been working on has been pushed back a month. This will push back me quitting for another month. It's getting harder and harder for me to go to work everyday.

I went to the glider field on Saturday. Had two instruction flights with Mike and one flight with Dick M. Both in the L-23. The first two flights went well except that I dove for about 200 feet after I recovered from a spin. I really have to watch my speed when I'm in the pattern. It gets me nervous about slipping in the pattern, but I'm starting to get a hang of flying the ship. For the third flight, I did the takeoff, but I over controlled on the aileron, and I went through some serious flapping motions before Dick took over from me. That was one of the worst takeoffs that I've done in a while. I should've been using the rudder as much as possible until I get enough control on the ailerons, but I was trying to control the aircraft with the ailerons instead. I knew this stuff a year ago, but i've forgotten a lot of it.

My goal this year is to be able to take up my friends in the L-23, but it will be a while for me to catch up to where I used to be.

I started playing with the soccer team close to where I live. I quit the other team cuz they're a bunch of whiners. If Mikie decides to form another team, I'll join them. But for now, I'll play with these people. The players in this team have better understanding of the game. And I learn things everytime I go to their practice. Also, there's a girl in the team who plays really good. She plays like she's making moves with thoughts and intentions. Not like me who just does whatever I feel like will work. I kind of admire the girl because she can do this, and I can't. I hope to think that I'm special in my own way, and I don't want to change my game, but I feel that I need more thoughts behind my actions.
