Monday, November 27, 2006

Scoobi Doobi

I'm headed to Abu Dhabi Thursday. I'll be back on the 14th.

It's a place that I've never really cared to go to. I don't like wealth, religion, and shopping.

I don't really care to see anything while I'm there. I just hope that I get to play soccer while I'm there.

I drove to Cicero to play indoor soccer Saturday. We lost 8-1, but it wasn't that bad of a game. I was out of breath after 5 minutes. The place was pretty rough. Had security guards checking my bag. Kind of felt like being in a fight club. It was nice to have some audiences and I liked the atmosphere.

I haven't had any leads on new jobs recently. Maybe because it's the end of the year and no one's hiring now. I hope to get the job in Seattle for a wind farm job. I started reading the "Wind Energy Explained" again. I think I bought the stuff like half a year ago. I still have a lot of other stuffs to read. But I'm pretty sure now that I want to work in the wind energy industry eventually. I think I'll just keep studying that until I find a job in the field. I just hope that I don't get stuck doing what I'm doing for the rest of my life.

Monday, November 20, 2006


I had plans for when I get the job in Seattle. But I didn't get the job.


I've been looking for jobs that'll give me experience. It doesn't matter if it's not an aviation related jobs anymore. I know that this aviation industry is cyclical. And if I stay at this position and lose my job, I'll be out there with absolutely no fundamental engineering experiences. All I'll have will be experience writing up paperworks. I fucking hate that.

I'm gonna quit my job regardless, but it's already the end of the year. It's gonna be hard to find anything till next year.


Thursday, November 16, 2006


I've decided to quit my job regardless of the outcome of my interview.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

So Lonely

I feel like I'm wasting life. I don't have any motivation to do anything at work. I check my e-mail 10 times a day for a job offer from the company in Seattle.

I hope that I can quit this job soon.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Wait One or Two Weeks

The interview was ok. They told me to wait for a week or two. I don't think they're gonna hire me from the general feel of things, but I'll wait. I also realized that I'm interested in aircraft design. I was really into what they do, their design methodology, how they conduct analysis etc... I'm gonna tell my boss that I don't want to commit to anything long term. I wanna find a more analytical job.

I am geeky. I can imagine how people say that I'm not having fun or enjoying life or I should be making more money. I guess. I don't really give a fuck. I do whatever the fuck I fucking feel like.

A girl from my last job e-mailed me and told me that she likes me. I don't know how to say, "I'm not that interested in you" without affecting her psyche. I don't like having influence on other people. I guess I am influencing people without knowing about it, but I usually try to avoid personal relationships. I make exceptions sometimes, but I haven't had many good things come out of it.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm Undecided

I have been feeling very demotivated about a lot of things recently. Went to a co-worker's presentation about a racer aircraft that crashed. He did a very good presentation. I wish if I could talk so smooth.

I have the travel arrangement and schedule all made up for the interview. Well, the company did the whole thing for me. I'm somewhat confident about the job prospect. I heard that the company is hiring like crazy because of the new aircraft they're building. There are a lot of things that I don't know about the position. I should keep my guard up and try to weigh the options carefully.

I don't know what I have to show for from the job I have now. I just noticed that I haven't done much since I started working here.

I'm gaining weight rapidly since I haven't been able to play soccer as often as I used to.