Monday, July 31, 2006


Came back from India yesterday at 9:30pm. Went to sleep at 10:30pm.
Woke up today at 12:30 in the afternoon.

I caught a pretty bad cold while I was in India.

Mumbai was like a big garbage dump.

It made me look at things from a different point of view.
I'll post more details this weekend.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Gave It Away

I saw you finish.
I saw you at the start.
I remember you straight from my heart.



I'm going to Mumbai, India this Sunday. I always wanted to go there. It's for a job, and I don't know how much time I'll have to look around and stuff.

The job is a lot better now than it used to be. I'm starting to get involved with the engineering stuffs. But most of the job is about dealing with the FAA, and there aren't much engineering to be done. But it's fine for me now, I still have a lot to learn from this job.

Went up to the glider field a couple of times. My goal this year is to be able to fly the L-13 and to be able to catch thermals better. I'm getting better, but it's a slow process now that I can only be there about once a week at most.

We still haven't won a game in soccer, but the team is more united. We are starting to get better. I'm starting to see the game from a more tactical view point. I try to do this during the game, but I usually notice a lot of things after the game that I didn't realize when I was playing. I think we can win a game in a not-so-distant future.

My outlook on life is a lot better than it was a few weeks ago. A lot of things are starting to take shape that I've been thinking about for the last decade or so. It's like seeing a plant out of a field that I layed seeds a decade ago. I feel justified.

Monday, July 03, 2006

About Nakata's Retirement

I've learned a lot from Nakata... about nationality, about the game, about coping with various conflicts of working in a foreign place, about the identity of my generation.

After hearing about his retirement, I realized that I have to find inspirations through my own experience instead of contrasting my life with someone else's.

I had been inspired by so many things that he did and said, and I honestly don't know what to do from now.

All My Luck Has Ran Out

We lost 5-0. Which is not a big news by any means what-so-ever. It could've been easily 10-0. We played a lot better than last time though. It helped to have full 11 players on the field. I played as a forward this time. It worked out OK, but I had to run back to get the ball or defend. We are not good at transitioning from offense to defense. I made some good through ball. I was too busy running back for defense most of the time. But overall, we played a lot better than last time.

Anyways, after the game, I went to this sporting goods store where they were holding a game to kick a ball into this hole on a huge plastic sheet. You get three shots from about 15meters, and you get prizes accordingly to the number of shots you make. The person who was in charge told me that for the past three days they've been hosting the game, there had only been one person who made two out of three. And no one has made all three shots. I signed up thinking that I probably won't make any shots, but I made two shots out of three. I was pretty happy. I won a t-shirt and a $20 gift certificate. I never expected to get paid for playing soccer. But I think I used up all my good luck that I had for the next 20 years on this one occasion. But I'm happy, and although I think luck had a lot to do with it, I think that some of it must've been because I've been making efforts to getting better at playing soccer.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


The interview with the big company didn't go well. I didn't have much to show for. And I think I made myself sound stupider than I actually am. What a dissappointment.

I was barely making enough to pay for food and rent till two weeks ago, but I'm already bored out of my mind with this job that I have. Am I greedy? I think there are two types of people who don't care about money. One type is the people who have money to spare. The other is the people who has other priorities. I don't care anymore about quitting the job that I have now. But I'll find another one first before I quit. The most important thing for me is what I want to do.

France kicked ass today. I was glad. I don't like Brazil. They are not as fun to watch as people say they are. Zidane was the star of the game. He reminded me that I have to keep doing my best. I can't back down. It's too early.

I hope that I get to show the world one day that I exist.