Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Some mofo at work is pissed off at me.
I don't give a fuck though.

It comes to me as no surprise.
I don't get along with most people.
I guess the problem is that I don't care to pretend like I'm someone else.

If it bothers people, then tough shit.
It's good in a way because I don't put up with someone I don't agree with.
Inconvenient in other ways.

Sent my resume to a well known wind turbine analysis company in California.
Via snail mail.
First time I sent in my resume with snail mail.
That's what they wanted though...

No replies on jobs.

I've been thinking about what I'm going to do for living after this job.
I guess my first career move didn't even take off.

Drafter would be a good start.
I already have the qualifications.

Found this guy who's selling his engineering service for a year on eBay.
He's an aerospace guy also.
Good luck to him.

Friday, January 27, 2006


Bad Day.

I'm starting to not talk to anyone again.

Citizenship thing is late.
Called them yesterday, they said they'll get back to me on the status of my case within the next month...
Called VA for assistance, but they said they can't do anything about it.

No job inquiries.

I think I'll quit sending out resume's soon.
I don't think there's any point in looking for an engineering job anymore.

But I'm going to quit the job that I'm in now eventually.
I should keep looking for a job elsewhere.

Things are not going well at all.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


A recruiter called me up about a job for some Japanese engine company.
I don't think I should trust this guy.
Anyways, I'm not gonna take this job.

Maybe I should, cuz it'll at least give me some experience.
But fuck that shit.

The immigration office is processing shit from July 14th now.
I have to call them tomorrow.

I'm gonna go to the pilot convention on Saturday to hand out resume's.

Cooked a piece of salmon yesterday.
It was so mother fucking good.

Here's the recipe.

Marinade salmon (one serving) w/
one tablespoon soy sauce
one tablespoon vinegar
half tablespoon brown sugar
one clove of garlic crushed
1/4 medium onion, thinly sliced
some ground black pepper

bake above on a pan, lid on top to keep the moisture.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Some shit came up the last couple of days that got me worried.

Other than that, I've been pretty busy working.

Used a curry paste that I bought at a local Lao food store.
I took one spoonful and I felt like spitting fire out of my eye sockets.
Braved couple more bites and it felt like my teeth were melting away from the fire.
I don't know what to do with the left overs.

Cooked Pad Thai the other day...
One of the worst shit that I've ever cooked or tasted.
Tried again two days later, and I got it to work.
Some fine tuning is needed, but I think I got it down now.

I'm kinda doubtful that I'll ever get an engineering job.
Let alone working on wind turbines.

I'm about halfway through with the Paul Gipe book.

Somebody buy me this book.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Work has been a bit slow recently.
It doesn't really bother me though.

It was really nice weather this week.
It would've been nice to go fly this week.
The temperature went up to the 50's on Thursday.
Drove up to the hangar and cleaned up the fridge room.

Went up there again on Saturday and helped out on some stuffs.

Things are very settled down around me.
Very cozy.
I'm pretty happy now.

Applied to some more wind turbine jobs.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Some mother fucker left a creepy letter on the door of my van.
It's a bit too creepy to write about it here.
I freaked out for about a day, but I think it's just one of those pranks that people pull on new residents.

Drove Ratish and his bro to the hangar.

A fortune cookie said that "I'll receive an unusual proposal."
Mother fucker...

Received a call from a recruiter about a job in Connecticut.
I'm pretty sure that it'll require for me to have a citizenship, but I'm thinking I'll go as far as I can go till they ask me about it.
Maybe I'll get a free trip to the East Coast.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


It's good to have a place to live, some food in the fridge, and some money in the bank.

Went to the new year's get-together thing at the club.
It was nice seeing the guys.

Also, after hanging out with the guys at the glider club for so long, I'm starting to think that it's not that bad to grow old.