Saturday, January 21, 2006


Some shit came up the last couple of days that got me worried.

Other than that, I've been pretty busy working.

Used a curry paste that I bought at a local Lao food store.
I took one spoonful and I felt like spitting fire out of my eye sockets.
Braved couple more bites and it felt like my teeth were melting away from the fire.
I don't know what to do with the left overs.

Cooked Pad Thai the other day...
One of the worst shit that I've ever cooked or tasted.
Tried again two days later, and I got it to work.
Some fine tuning is needed, but I think I got it down now.

I'm kinda doubtful that I'll ever get an engineering job.
Let alone working on wind turbines.

I'm about halfway through with the Paul Gipe book.

Somebody buy me this book.


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