Thursday, August 31, 2006


Wasting life. You should be ashamed...

Recently, I've been too disconnected from the 'typical' people of my generation. I don't own a TV. I don't follow the news. I don't go out. I don't talk to people. I sometimes wonder why I've decided to do things just to be different from other people. I sometimes want to know what other people with similar background are up to. I feel lost and I don't think I will be able to catch up anymore. I've tried to train myself to not to care about what other people think, but I'm still not very good at it. I guess I got better at pretending like I don't care.

I bought a plant yesterday. I'll take care of it till I die.

Monday, August 28, 2006

More Than Enough

I wanna learn Spanish.

This girl who was my co-worker when I used to work in the factory sends me emails every week. I don't want to talk to her. I don't want to tell her that.


I started looking for a job again. I think I should doing something more related to analysis instead of learning about government rules and certified screws and wires. I think they should hire someone else to do this job.

I got a call from a company in Wichita. It doesn't sound too exciting. I'll call them again tomorrow.

We lost 2-1 yesterday. Had a cookout afterwards. The food was really good. I got tackled in the box pretty bad. The bottom of my right foot is a bit bruised, but I don't think it's that bad. It could've been a lot worse because of the way the guy tackled me. We got a penalty for that, and we were up 1-0 going into half time. But we lost the game 2-1. I think we tends to get lazy at pushing up the line when we get tired. Also we leave a huge gap infront of the defense when we get counter attacked. We are starting to use the side a lot better for attack, and it's been working very well for the last couple of games. I play on the right side now. I like playing in the middle, and I think I work better that way. The positive side of playing at the side is that I get more space, and I have more time to look around. But I'd rather work on thinking faster and making decisions quicker. But I have to say that the team is doing better now that way. I lose the ball too much when I play in the middle.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I've been busy recently.

I work five days a week. I go to the glider field on Saturdays. I play soccer on Sunday.

I've been out of shape since I came back from India. My lifestyle is starting to get disorganized.

I have too many things that I wanna do. I wanna be a better pilot. I wanna be a better soccer player. I want a job that I can learn about designing an airplane. I wanna move to the city. I wanna travel more. I wanna get a power rating. I wanna learn to fly an ultralight.

I don't know where I'm going anymore.

I'm busy enough that I don't have time to think about where I'm going.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Time Marching Scheme

I've been working at this company for about two months already. Time flies by like a flying squirrel... Whatever that means, I don't know. I don't like this job.
Reason #1. Too much paperworks.
Reason #2. Tidious stuffs.
Reason #3. No engineering involved.
Reason #4. I think it's bad for my career to not be dealing with engineering for a prolonged time.
Reason #5. I'm not interested in learning about government regulations.

Some positive stuffs.
1. Travel.
2. Get to work on different projects.
3. Nice people.
4. Not a cubicle.

I'd rather be doing something engineering. The job is not hard, but I don't feel comfortable doing just the easy stuffs.

I'm not looking for a job right now though...
I have to save up some money before my car breaks down.

I went up in the 1-26 last Saturday. Stayed up for an hour. And landed like a sack of shit. I had some tailwind, and I misjudged the landing spot. I was quickly eating up the runway, and I pulled the airbrake to get down on the ground. I bounced on the main wheel pretty hard. I kept the stick fixed so I won't oscillate. But as soon as I got on the ground, I went on the skid and came to a screeching stop before I hit anything. There were a bunch of people at the field that time, and I felt like shit. I think that I lost a lot of the things that I used to know.