Acting Up
I'm pretty sure that I'm blade running pretty close to the edge now a days.
We have 4 day weekend this week.
Not that we're gonna get paid for it though.
But it's cool that I can get things straight and regroup for a while.
At work, they asked me 20 minutes before we take off that some parts need to get done today.
They asked me if I wanna come in at 5am tomorrow.
I said, "Hell, NO!"
I was just being humorous, but they might have thought that I was being pissed off.
I noticed recently that I have a really really serious look in my eyes sometimes.
Especially when I stare at someone in the eyes, which I hardly ever do.
But things kinda make more sense now, cuz I used to wonder why some people act like I'm pissed off or something.
It's just that I have this blank stare that some people think that I'm really serious about something.